Education Center

Choosing the Right Lift Chair for Sleeping and All Day Use

Choosing the Right Lift Chair for Sleeping and ...

Ashley Simota

3-Position lift chairs are simple, with 2-buttons on the remote and 1-motor. The leg rest section and back rest move in unison, as the back reclines, the foot raises. These lift...

Choosing the Right Lift Chair for Sleeping and ...

Ashley Simota

3-Position lift chairs are simple, with 2-buttons on the remote and 1-motor. The leg rest section and back rest move in unison, as the back reclines, the foot raises. These lift...

Maintenance Tips for Power Wheelchairs

Ashley Simota

Your power wheelchair is your passport to regaining your mobility. It’s also a significant investment so it is critical to properly care for your investment. Proper maintenance could lead to up to...

Maintenance Tips for Power Wheelchairs

Ashley Simota

Your power wheelchair is your passport to regaining your mobility. It’s also a significant investment so it is critical to properly care for your investment. Proper maintenance could lead to up to...

Golden Technologies Buzzaround XL Disassembling Mobility Scooter Review

Golden Technologies Buzzaround XL Disassembling...

Ashley Simota

Adults across the United States are facing the reality of having a difficult time walking or climbing stairs. Some of them can get around using a cane or walker, but for many...

Golden Technologies Buzzaround XL Disassembling...

Ashley Simota

Adults across the United States are facing the reality of having a difficult time walking or climbing stairs. Some of them can get around using a cane or walker, but for many...

Lift Chair Recliner Frequently Asked Questions

Lift Chair Recliner Frequently Asked Questions

Ashley Simota

How much do lift chairs cost? The usual starting price point of a lift chair is roughly $1,000, but can go upwards to $3500 or more. The price depends on the...

Lift Chair Recliner Frequently Asked Questions

Ashley Simota

How much do lift chairs cost? The usual starting price point of a lift chair is roughly $1,000, but can go upwards to $3500 or more. The price depends on the...

Golden Technologies Buzzaround EX Disassembling Mobility Scooter Review

Golden Technologies Buzzaround EX Mobility Scoo...

Ashley Simota

An increasing number of adults in the United States have severe difficulty walking and climbing stairs. Some people are able to get around with a cane or walker, while others...

Golden Technologies Buzzaround EX Mobility Scoo...

Ashley Simota

An increasing number of adults in the United States have severe difficulty walking and climbing stairs. Some people are able to get around with a cane or walker, while others...

Golden Technologies Buzzaround CarryOn Manual Folding Portable Mobility Scooter Review

Golden Technologies Buzzaround CarryOn Mobility...

Ashley Simota

Golden Technologies has designed a near perfect carry-on mobility scooter in the CarryOn. Here at Suncoast Mobility we have reviewed their Buzzaround CarryOn folding mobility scooter for you in detail.

Golden Technologies Buzzaround CarryOn Mobility...

Ashley Simota

Golden Technologies has designed a near perfect carry-on mobility scooter in the CarryOn. Here at Suncoast Mobility we have reviewed their Buzzaround CarryOn folding mobility scooter for you in detail.

Best Airline Approved Mobility Scooters for Tra...

Ashley Simota

To pick the best portable mobility scooter for your needs, there are a few things you should consider. What is the weight of the electric mobility scooter? What is its...

Best Airline Approved Mobility Scooters for Tra...

Ashley Simota

To pick the best portable mobility scooter for your needs, there are a few things you should consider. What is the weight of the electric mobility scooter? What is its...

Golden Technologies Lift Chair Comfort Zones

Ashley Simota

We have partnered with Golden Technologies for many years to offer the best lift chairs on the market. Not only are Golden’s service and warranties top of the line but...

Golden Technologies Lift Chair Comfort Zones

Ashley Simota

We have partnered with Golden Technologies for many years to offer the best lift chairs on the market. Not only are Golden’s service and warranties top of the line but...