The Best Mobility Scooters for Road Trips

With the country and much of the world shut down, many are opting for road trips instead of airline or cruise travel. Those with limited mobility relying on mobility devices can travel just as freely as anyone else. The mobility scooter designs of today make road trips a breeze. At Suncoast Mobility we offer quite a few options that are perfect for your next adventure!

Golden Technologies CarryOn

The CarryOn is one of the newest mobility scooters we offer. This mobility scooter features an infinite adjustable tiller, full front, and rear lighting package, lithium-ion battery pack (travel battery pack sold separately*). The heaviest piece is 47.5 lbs. (without seat and batteries) making it one of the lightest travel mobility scooters available. Although the CarryOn is lightweight compact it still has a 300 lb weight capacity. The height of the CarryOn when folded is only 12”. It disassembles easily into two pieces and is designed to store in the smallest compartments. “Pack your dreams and go anywhere with the Carry-On travel scooter!”

EV Rider AF Plus

The EV Rider Transport AF Plus mobility scooter automatically folds up with your handheld remote, making it perfect for travel. It is equipped with an 11.5Ah lithium battery and weighs just 44 lbs making it perfect for compact and easy storage. Due to its turning radius, this compact scooter offers great maneuverability in narrow spaces making it a breeze to use in public. The Transport AF easily fits in the trunk of most automobiles making it that much more convenient for daily use.

Enhance Mobility Transformer Automatic Folding

The Transformer is easy to use, ultra-portable electric scooter offers the ultimate in convenience. Offering Remote Control operation for opening and closing plus manual if required. The Transformer has a 300lb weight capacity and comes standard with a lightweight Lithium battery (13.5 Miles on a single charge). The lithium battery is also backed by a one-year warranty and the unit comes with a free one-year in-home service contract. Once folded it can be stored in the back of most vehicles making it ideal for your next road trip. It can also be stored almost anywhere in your home without taking up too much space.

Shoprider Echo Folding

The Echo Folding is designed for the user on the go. The scooter folds for transportation and unfolds for use in a matter of seconds. The unit weighs in at just 59 lb. and can store easily in small spaces. It comes standard with solid tires, an electric brake system, and a curved tiller for added comfort. Available in red, gray, and black, the Echo Folding will get you to your destination in style. The Shoprider Echo Folding is also one of the most cost effective mobility scooters we offer.


Contact us today to speak with one of our mobility experts about your lifestyle and your specific needs top regain your freedom. Our mobility scooter experts are highly trained and taught to focus on every potential client’s needs. This allows our staff to get you in the right mobility scooter for your lifestyle the first time.

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