Can You Take a Mobility Scooter on a Plane?

Can You Take a Mobility Scooter on a Plane?

Can you take a mobility scooter on a plane? The short answer is, yes. If you require a mobility scooter to go about your day, you are still able to enjoy the freedom and independence of travel. Certain travel mobility scooters and some disassembling mid-size mobility scooters can be transported via a plane for you to use at your destination upon arrival. If you have any questions, please reach out to our mobility experts at Suncoast Mobility.

Preparing for Your Trip

As you prepare for your next trip it is important make sure you are aware of the the make and model of your specific mobility scooter. You will also need to know specifics regarding the battery as only certain mobility scooter batteries comply with FAA requirements. We suggest contacting the airline you will be using in advance to confirm they will accept your specific mobility scooter and battery. We suggest reaching back out to the airline 48 hours prior to your take off to arrange for assistance getting to the gate if needed. During that phone call ask the airline if any proper documentation is required upon arrival. 

What To Bring With

We suggest that you bring your owner’s manual along with you. Be sure to highlight the make and model within the owners manual. If you cannot find it withing the manual write it on the front of the manual. This could come in handy is for some reason you find yourself needing technical assistance during your trip. If you have a prescription or a letter of medical necessity for your mobility scooter, also bring that along. In the rare occurrence that your mobility scooter is lost or damaged during your trip having all of the documents will make it easier to fix or replace. Remember to take photos of your scooter prior to travel. It is important to have before and after photos incase your mobility scooter is damaged during transport. Don't forget to bring your charger and backup battery if you have one.

EV Rider Transport 4AF Automatic Folding Airline and Cruise Ship Approved Mobility Scooter

EV Rider Transport 4AF Automatic Folding Airline and Cruise Ship Approved Mobility Scooter

Foreign Electrical Standards

If you plan to travel to a foreign country please research the electricity standards of where you plan to go. There are roughly15 different electrical outlets currently in use around the globe. You very well may need an adapter to use the outlet and/or a converter which converts the voltage. Make sure you investigate this prior to your trip because you do not want to damage your mobility scooter.

Boarding the Plane

Mobility devices are checked for free on airlines in the United States according to the FAA and ADA. With that being said you should always follow any instructions you got directly from the airline you will be using. Usually you can check your mobility scooter with your other luggage at the counter.  If you check your mobility scooter and require assistance to get to the gate it will be provided. You should then also be eligible for early boarding and upon arrival you will be met and escorted to the baggage claim area to claim your mobility scooter and luggage. It is important to always allow for plenty of time to maneuver the airport before your flight. 

Can You Take a Mobility Scooter on a Plane?

Yes! If you follow the outlined guidelines above you should run into very little issues during your exciting adventure. Our team of Mobility Experts are eager to assist in selecting the right mobility scooter for your next trip. Feel free to call us at 727-537-6275 and please ask about your special pricing. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Enhance Mobility Transformer 2 Automatic Folding Airline and Cruise Ship Approved Mobility Scooter

Enhance Mobility Transformer 2 Automatic Folding Airline and Cruise Ship Approved Mobility Scooter

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